F***ing Welshgate III
This story just won't go away, even though Labour Spin masters in london are doing everything possible to get rid of it. Yesterday it was reported in the Daily Post that Tony "F***ing Welsh" Blair may be under investigation for a "hate crime".Today, BBC Correspondent David Cornock blogged about the issue.
David Cornock reports that Tony "F***ing Welsh" Blair offered his own advice on whether he should be charged for inciting racial hatred. Asked at a news conference if he thought it was a good use of police time and resources to investigate the comments, he said, "no".
David reports that this is unlikely to dissuade North Wales Police from doing their duty. Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom said recently in The Sunday Times:
"The government has given us laws and I think they are good laws and we must deal with that. We have to balance resources but we have definitely put more effort into hate crime. There is almost no way we could not investigate what is being reported (about Blair). It is not trivial."
Try and squirm your way out of this one Bliar!
Thanks for that David Taylor.
I agree with you, Tony "Fucking Welsh" Blair doesn't give a toss about what he said, or about the Welsh.
But that isn't the point. A lot of Welsh people are very angry with TB because of the Iraq war, etc, etc, and this is just the icing on the cake.
It's a PR catastrophe in Wales. It just shows the utter contemp he and British nationalist Labour have for the people of Wales. T"FW"B see's Wales as just vote fodder to keep Labour in London.
In the last few days, the momentum for the story has continued, with the article in North Wales' leading newspaper and an item on David Cornock's Blog, and I'm sure there will be more press coverage in the near future.
We are not as naive as to believe that this will bring Blair down, but it will be a very handy election tool in 2007!
Fair enough.
You should get out more:
Would you feel the same if a member of Plaid Cymru had allegedly said "Fucking English" or a member of the BNP had allegedly said "Fucking Pakistanis".
Are these comments also trivial, or is it only trivial when the Welsh are in question?
Why did you not condemn on your Blog the Police when they pursued Aled Cottle for sending an email that contained "Fucking British"?
Actually, I think the police wasting public money investigating any such comment, whether directed at the English, Welsh or British is pretty pathetic.
However, when the comment is a) disputed b) made in private (if made at all) c) unpublished and d) prima facie undemonstrative of incitement to cause racial hatred it IS trivial.
You have such transparent motives in this (advancing a case against Blair and his 'Brit Nat' party) that you've lost all perspective.
Catch yourself on, man. The only real scandal in this is the way North Wales Police are prepared to waste public money on something that can never lead to anything.
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