'New Labour has had its Day' - Rhodri Morgan
Haven't we heard this one before?... like a few months before the last Assembly election and the famous 'clear red water' between 'Welsh' Labour and New Labour?Does Windbag honestly think we're that stupid?
I know what 'Welsh Labour socialism' means - bribes! 'free' train trips, 'free' school breakfast i.e. Labour's suspected core voters get stuff for free whilst somebody else pays for it.
'New Labour's had it's day' - yes Rhodri, like Trident, Iraq and 'Welsh' Labour being too useless even to ban smoking in Wales until it's going to happen in the mother country (see walesworldnation
No doubt 'Welsh' Labour won't be accepting any cash nor support by New Labour nor New Labour MPs in the run-up to the Assembly Election?
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